
Inmarsat selected by UK Space Agency to develop satellite-based rocket launch telemetry system

InRange project also involves Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Safran Data Systems and Haigh-Farr Inc.

The UK Space Agency has awarded a National Space Innovation Programme (NSIP) contract to Inmarsat, the world leader in global, mobile satellite communications to develop an in-orbit telemetry relay service for rockets called “InRange”.

Inmarsat’s InRange service will reduce the dependency of space launch providers on traditional, expensive ground-based monitoring systems infrastructure for their rockets and will provide a more cost-effective, flexible solution, available globally via Inmarsat’s geostationary L-band satellite network.

Inmarsat is working with Japan’s Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) to ensure the InRange service develops to meet the challenging environmental conditions experienced by launch vehicles. Safran Data Systems (France) and Haigh-Farr Inc. (USA) are also partners in this project and focus on the L-band transmitter and antenna design.

Nick Shave, Vice President of Strategic Programmes at Inmarsat Global Government, said: “Inmarsat’s highly robust L-band satellite network is ideal to provide telemetry services for launch providers globally. The space launch market is an exciting new sector for our network and team to work on. This innovative project will allow us to solve problems and create efficiencies in the design of a reliable and secure telemetry solution for launch service providers and launch site operators.”

Yasrine Ibnyahya, Senior Director of Advanced Concepts and Technologies at Inmarsat added: “Inmarsat remains dedicated to supporting launch vehicle innovation by enabling new launch trajectories from anywhere in the world while reducing dependencies on ground networks.”

The contract announced today is valued at £258,000 with matched funding from industry taking the project total to £422,096.

Iwao Igarashi, Vice President and General Manager of Business Development, Space Systems at MHI said: “MHI is delighted to work on this innovative project with Inmarsat, Safran Data Systems and Haigh-Farr Inc. We hope that this project will promote further collaborations between UK and Japan in the space development industry.”


Inmarsat shortlisted for WSIS Prizes 2021

Inmarsat’s work in support of seafarers stranded at sea due to the COVID-19 pandemic has been shortlisted in the prestigious World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Prizes 2021.

The United Nations WSIS addresses issues raised by information and communications technologies (ICTs) with the goal of achieving a society where everyone can create, access, utilise and share information.

The WSIS Prizes contest evaluates projects and activities that leverage the power of ICTs to advance sustainable development and offers a unique global platform to showcase success stories in the implementation of the WSIS action lines and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Seafarer welfare

At the onset of COVID, Inmarsat immediately took action to provide seafarers with enhanced levels of connectivity, with a sweeping 50% discount for crew voice calling services from April 2020. This discount was extended twice throughout the year as the ongoing effects of pandemic were realised.

Voice call discounts were available for crew using our FleetBroadband ChatCard voice service and Inmarsat also took the decision to fast-track the launch of ChatCard services via our Fleet Xpress service to ensure seafarers on Fleet Xpress installed vessels could also benefit from the same promotion to ease financial burdens and ensure a lifeline to family and loved ones ashore.

Working with the International Seafarers’ Welfare and Assistance Network (ISWAN) and major maritime charities, Inmarsat also offered crew free calls to ISWAN’s SeafarerHelp service as well as free access to the SeafarerHelp portal and live chat function. In addition, we worked with crew healthcare specialist VIKAND and software platform provider FrontM to provide a free COVD-19 video call service with a trained health professional to ensure crew welfare and safety.

Cast your vote

Out of almost 1,300 submitted projects, twenty have been shortlisted for each of the 18 WSIS Action Line Categories, including Inmarsat’s which falls within Category 11 – ICT applications: benefits in all aspects of life.

WSIS stakeholders are now invited to cast their vote for a winning project in each category by 31 March, when the contest enters the Selection Phase. Eighteen winners and 72 Champions will be announced during the special WSIS Prizes 2021 Ceremony, which will be held during the final week of the WSIS Forum 2021.

To nominate Inmarsat to win simply follow the link to create an account – select ‘AL C7.E-employment’ from the drop down menu and click on Inmarsat’s entry to vote.


Inmarsat launches global Passport Programme for 14-17 year olds

Inmarsat is inviting the next generation of young talent to take part in a global, online learning programme to open up a whole world of career possibilities and opportunities to them.

The global Passport Programme is aimed at 14-17 year olds and has been developed to help young people develop skills, build aspirations and gain confidence.

It’s important to us that a young person’s start in life does not limit their future which is why our online learning platform is open to all students across the world. Content can be accessed in a safe environment, at any time of the day and is completely free of charge.

Core modules

The programme is split into three modules:

  • Business skills: The first section is aimed at helping pupils to develop skills invaluable in adult life and the workplace, and includes topics such communication, managing time and knowing their learning style
  • Careers and employability: This section will provide insight into a range of different careers and help pupils to write a great CV, develop interview skills and build an online profile
    Inmarsat knowledge: The final section will help develop students’ understanding of Inmarsat and the telecommunications industry, and how satellites are helping to improve lives around the world every day.

Every student that signs up to the Passport Programme is offered two months free, unlimited access to the portal. Students who successfully complete the programme will have exclusive access to a limited number of work experience places (currently virtual) at Inmarsat.

To apply to join our Passport Programme please complete the registration form here.